
Libri e Riviste

SAPERI: An Emergency Modeling Chain for Simulating Accidental Releases of Pollutants into the Atmosphere, Atmosphere 2024, 15(9), 1905.
International Handbook on the Assessment of Odour Exposure using Dispersion Modelling. Spain. ISBN: 978-84-09-52429-7.
The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities. Part 2: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Air Pollutant Concentrations and DepositionsForests 2023, 14, 1255.
The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities—Part 1: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Meteorological Conditions Forests 2023, 14, 1235.
Vegetation for urban green air quality plans. A new approach from the VEG-GAP Project. Bologna University Press, 2022.
A microscale hybrid modelling system to assess the air quality over a large portion of a large European city, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 264, 2021.
Spatial-temporal prediction of ambient nitrogen dioxide and ozone levels over Italy using a Random Forest model for population exposure assessment.Air Qual. Atmos. Health 14, 817–829 (2021).
Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Hospitalizations in the Pisan Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(3):1164.
A multi-city air pollution population exposure study: Combined use of chemical-transport and random-Forest models with dynamic population data. Sci. Total Environ. 720, 1 July 2020.
Composition and emission of VOC from biogas produced by illegally managed waste landfills in Giugliano (Campania, Italy) and potential impact on the local population. Sci. Total Environ. 640–641, 1 November 2018, 377-386.
Source term estimation using an adjoint model: a comparison of two different algorithms, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 2018 Vol. 64 No. 1/2/3, pp. 209 - 229.
Studio modellistico di ricaduta delle emissioni del termovalorizzatore di Acerra contestualizzato all'interno della sua realtà territoriale, CNR Edizioni, 2016 ISBN 978 88 8080 229 7.
Compilation of a road transport emission inventory for the Province of Turin: Advantages and key factors of a bottom–up approach, Atmospheric Pollution Research 5 (2014) 648-655.
Review and Validation of MicroSpray, a Lagrangian Particle Model of Turbulent Dispersion, in "Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere", AGU Geophysical Monograph, (2013).

Atti e Presentazioni a Convegni

Vegetation role in urban atmospheric dynamics and chemistry: comprehensive assessment in two Italian cities, EGU General Assembly, 14-19 Aprile 2024, Vienna, Austria.
Urban vegetation effects on meteorology and air quality: a comparison of three European cities, ITM 2021, International technical meeting on air pollution modelling and its applications, 18-22 October 2021, Barcelona, Spain.
Comparability of mobile sensor boundary layer measurements with Lagrangian particle modelling, 11th International Conference on Air Quality — Science and Appliccation, 12-16 March 2018, Barcelona.
Source term estimation using an adjoint model: a comparison of two different algorithms, 18th HARMO Conference Proceedings, 9-12 October 2018, Bologna, Italy.
Modelling the dispersion of ship emissions with different plume rise approaches and sensitivity analysis, 18th HARMO Conference Proceedings, 9-12 October 2018, Bologna, Italy.
Air quality impact of VOCs emission from the hazardous waste landfills located in Giugliano (NA), 18th HARMO Conference Proceedings, 9-12 October 2018, Bologna, Italy.
Combined use of Eulerian and Lagrangian modelling for local scale source apportionment, 18th HARMO Conference Proceedings, 9-12 October 2018, Bologna, Italy.
Micro-scale modelling of urban air quality to forecast NO2 critical levels in traffic hot-spots, 10th International Conference on Air Quality, 14-18 March 2016, Milan, Italy.
HPC CloudPills: on-demand deployment and execution of HPC application in cloud environments, 9th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, November 8-10 2014, Guangzhou, China.
Analysis of the Differences Between Pollution Levels Into a New and an Old District of a Big City Using Dispersion Simulations at Microscale, 33rd NATO/SPS ITM on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications (2013).
Ottimizzazione degli inventari emissivi e applicazioni modellistiche a scala locale, Criticità e prospettive, Convegno AERA/ALCOTRA (2013).
Confronto tra la metodologia top-down e bottom-up per la valutazione del contributo del trasporto stradale all'inquinamento atmosferico, Congresso Nazionale AICA (2011).
Development of the microscale lagrangian particle dispersion model microspray for the simulation of two-phase releases, 14º HARMO Conference Proceedings (2011).
Top-down vs. bottom-up approach in delineating traffic role in air quality scenarios, 14º HARMO Conference Proceedings (2011).
Scenari di mobilità, quali benefici per la qualità dell'aria?, 11º Conferenza Nazionale Euromobility (2011).
Public information under the new 50/2008 Directive: an example of Air Quality Index Forecast, 13º HARMO Conference Proceedings (2010).
Monitoring POPS in a complex environment: the role of modeling, 13º HARMO Conference Proceedings (2010).
Analisi dell'Impatto del Traffico Veicolare sulla Qualità dell'Aria in un Agglomerato Urbano di Piccole Dimensioni, Atti dell'8º Congresso Nazionale CIRIAF (2008).

Informazione e Divulgazione

La qualità dell'aria nell'area metropolitana torinese: lo scenario energetico-industriale al 2015, in "Relazione sullo Stato dell'Ambiente della Regione Piemonte", (2013), pag. 20.
Attività di ricerca e sviluppo nell'ambito della modellistica integrata per la valutazione della qualità dell'aria (AERA/ALCOTRA), in “Uno Sguardo all’aria 2012”, p.88
Modellistica della qualità dell'aria nell'area metropolitana torinese, in "Uno sguardo all'aria", (2011), pag. 92.
Qualitá dell'aria: Torino punta all'integrazione del trasporto pubblico, La Stampa del 2/12/2011.
Emissioni da trasporto su strada nell'area metropolitana torinese ed effetti sulla qualità dell'aria al 2015, in "Uno sguardo all'aria", (2010), pag. 74.
Strumenti modellistici a supporto della valutazione della qualità dell'aria: panoramica e prospettive (2009).